Men With Rosacea and Acne: Skincare Tips
Rosacea is a skin condition that presents with a rash-like redness in the face. It can also cause bumps, swelling, sensitive skin, eye irritation, and more. It usually covers the nose and cheeks, but it can spread to all areas of the face. There’s no cure for rosacea, but various treatments are available to ease your symptoms and improve your appearance.
Rosacea is sometimes confused with acne, but they’re entirely separate skin conditions. They have different origins, and their symptoms usually present differently. For example, while rosacea’s bumps tend to remain under the skin, acne’s bumps tend to break through and cause whitehead and blackheads. Rosacea also has extensive areas of redness and swelling whereas acne only causes redness around your pimples.
According to the National Rosacea Society, 415 million people are affected by rosacea worldwide.
Causes of Acne
The main cause of acne is a hormonal imbalance. To treat it, you might consider the HFM clinic with its hormone optimization programs. These programs can help men of all ages improve the state of their skin.
Here are just a few of the ways that hormonal changes can cause or worsen acne flareups:
Puberty causes significant changes in the body, including the production of hormones such as androgens. This can lead to oilier skin, inflammation, night sweats, clogged pores from new body hair, and more. All can affect acne.
High Testosterone
Testosterone surges during puberty, but you’ll have fluctuating levels of it throughout your life. Whenever you experience an increase, it can cause or worsen acne symptoms.
High Cortisol
Also called the “stress hormone,” cortisol has been linked to acne, so much so that there’s even a type of acne called cortisol acne. When you get stressed, one of the impacts on your body is the production of more sebum, or oil, in your skin’s sebaceous glands. This can lead to redness and bumps.
While acne is commonly thought of as an adolescent problem, it can affect people of all ages. There’s even a condition called adult-onset acne. You might have this condition if you were unaffected by acne in your teen years but have developed it suddenly as an adult.
Bad Skincare Routines
It’s a myth that poor hygiene causes acne, but a poor skincare routine can worsen it. If you’re over-cleansing or over-exfoliating, for example, you might be drying out your skin and increasing the likelihood of breakouts.
Symptoms of Rosacea
Rosacea can present with many symptoms, including “atypical” symptoms that don’t fit within the usual guidelines. Some people with rosacea don’t even realize that they have it, especially when they’ve confused it with acne or some other skin condition.
Here are a few common symptoms of rosacea:
- Facial redness around the nose, cheeks, or forehead
- Enlarged blood vessels
- Engorged nose
- Dry skin
- Swollen patches of skin on the face
- Irritated eyes
- Increased sensitivity in the skin
- Red bumps or pustules, especially underneath the skin
If you suspect that you have rosacea, reach out to a professional who can test, diagnose, and treat you. While there’s no magic potion to cure it, treatment can provide symptom relief, improve your appearance, and boost your overall self-esteem.
Simple Tips for Men Suffering From Rosacea
If rosacea is affecting your quality of life, treatment options can range from the personal to the professional. Many people choose to combine home remedies and skincare routines with doctor-prescribed medications or therapies.
To start small, however, here are a few basic tips for managing rosacea symptoms:
Protect Your Skin
Rosacea can already cause dry, inflamed, and irritated skin, and you don’t want to add to it. Certain foods can trigger flareups, including ones with high amounts of fat and sugar. Sun damage is another thing to avoid; make sure that you’re applying liberal amounts to sunscreen to keep your skin from getting dry or cracked after time spent outdoors. Last but not least, avoid tight or itchy clothing fabrics that increase friction on your skin.
Use Azelaic Acid
There are many medications for rosacea. One of the primary ingredients in a lot of rosacea medication is called azelaic acid, which is an anti-inflammatory. It can be used to reduce both the redness and swelling of rosacea. Other names to look for are metronidazole and ivermectin.
Get More Zinc
Studies have shown that zinc can be a safe and effective treatment for rosacea. In one clinical trial, patients with rosacea were divided into two groups: One was given zinc, and the other was given a placebo. Those using zinc experienced a reduction in their rosacea symptoms while the rest did not. When the medications were switched, those who had previously benefited from the zinc suddenly had flareups again when on the placebo.
Contact a Healthcare Professional
If home remedies aren’t having any effect on your rosacea, it might be time to contact a professional. A dermatologist is the obvious choice. Another option is an esthetician or someone else trained in treating skin conditions.
Rosacea is a skin condition that can affect you both physically and psychologically. It’s more than just redness; it’s also something that can impact your mood, mindset, and mental health. Consider various treatment options, including hormone optimization programs, to cultivate better skin and a brighter outlook on life.